GPS Return

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Returning To Work After Children

Harrogate Mumbler recently posted a great blog about our Managing Partner Miranda Gregory and GPS Return and here it is!

As a Mum to two young children, I looked at going back to work full-time but found the whole process frustrating and demoralising. We moved to Harrogate when my youngest was 3 months old and so I didn’t have a job here to go back to. Recruiters were unresponsive and I seemed to be viewed as ‘just’ a Mum and frankly, a risk.

I knew I still had so much to offer! Having children hadn’t totally melted my brain and, if anything, and I hope this doesn’t sound too cheesy, but it had developed me as a person. I felt I had even more skills than I had before having children.

My husband runs his own recruitment company and suddenly, the idea that I could run a sister business focused on helping parents return to work, popped into my head!

Our aim is simple: to make the whole job search process less daunting and less frustrating for all involved. I work together with Mums and Dads to help them find the job that best suits their situation, whether it be full-time, part-time or job share. I give as much open and honest advice as I can and will even be available to help once our ‘Returners’ have gone back to work to help all I can with the transition.

We hold regular workshops on a variety of themes so “returners” are as prepared as they can be. Our next one is on April 1st ‘How to Kick Start your Job Search’.

Educating employers is also a key part of our work. We want to highlight to companies that people do not cease being competent once they have children and having a brand that embraces flexibility will just be a win-win for all.

I hear so many horror stories of parents (mainly Mums but not always) being discriminated against and almost having to apologise for being parents. I want to kick that attitude to the curb, where it belongs.

Click here for more on GPS Return, or check out more great blogs posts from Harrogate Mumbler here.